Smart phone research recognised at ICICIS

11 Nov 2019
11 Nov 2019

B-Abee Toperesu
Masters IS student B-Abee Toperesu’s research was recognised with the best paper award at ICICIS 2019.

Toperesu’s paper deals with the impact of smart phones on student learning and is based on research he is doing for his master’s dissertation in information systems.

“Generally, students experience a positive impact when using smart phones,” said Toperesu. “They use their phones for recording lectures, taking photos and videos, for quick google searches, and for communicating with their peers.”

The use of Whatsapp allows students to create groups where they can openly ask questions and support each other in their studies.

“There is widespread evidence that smart phones have a positive impact on the general learning process of students as a supporting tool,” says Toperesu.

But there are negative impacts, including the distractions and disturbances caused by phones in lectures. A notification may take a student’s attention away from a lecture. But generally, Toperesu’s research found a positive impact.

The research was conducted across UCT’s student population, with the sample taken across disciplines and years of study.

The 4th International Conference on the Internet, Cyber Security and Information Systems (ICICIS) was co-hosted by the University of Johannesburg (UJ) and the University of Botswana (UB) from 31 October to 1 November 2019.

The paper was presented by Toperesu’s supervisor Professor Jean-Paul Van Belle.

Toperesu has been studying part-time as he works full-time and has family commitments with four young children.

“It has been a long, painful journey, but it is fulfilling and exciting to realise that other academics and researchers recognise your work as relevant and important,” says Toperesu. “The award gave me much encouragement.”