Each regular 90-minute paper session scheduled at Conf-IRM includes 3 paper presentations. Each paper session room is equipped with a Screen, a Data Projector and a Computer running on Microsoft Windows and with PowerPoint pre-installed.
- Presenters should come to the room on the break before the session so that the presentation can be loaded to the computer in the room.
- The time limits for each paper presentation is 20 minutes.
- Given the time limits presenting authors should have no more than 10 to 12 slides. Slides should have large font sizes. We cannot guarantee that slides, which are prepared in a different format than PowerPoint, will work on the computers available in the rooms.
- Slides should have a limited amount of large text that stimulates the audience members’ thinking about the research question, the unique aspects of the authors work, the key contributions the research makes, and the most interesting and its most surprising results or implications.
- A few practice sessions will ensure that the authors make a lively, focused presentation and avoid the stressful experience of rushing from the mid-point of their presentation to the end in the remaining minute or two.
All sessions will begin strictly on the schedule time!
These are the session chair responsibilities:
- Prior to the start of the presentations, check that the speakers are in the room, and that they uploaded their presentations to the computer.
- When you are ready to start the session, make the audience feel welcome, introduce the session and explain how it will unfold.
- During the session introduce each speaker, facilitate discussion on Q&A periods and ensure that time limits are strictly adhered to (i.e. time keeping). Sessions should start on time, with each paper being allowed 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes for questions and for transition to the next presenter).
- Indicate the remaining minutes (5, 1, and 0) for each presentation
- Finally call the session to a close and to thank the speakers and the audience.
Please download a copy of the programme information here

Ineke Buskens
Ineke Buskens is a cultural anthropologist working as research, facilitation and gender consultant. Ineke has published on qualitative and emancipatory research methodology, women’s health, Gender and ICT4D and Open Development. As leader and research director of the GRACE Network she has been the main editor of its two books (grace-network.net). She currently is based at the United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society in Macau, SAR China, heading the Gender Tech Lab and exploring the possibility of setting up the GRACE Asia Network.

Tshifhiwa Ramuthaga
Tshifhiwa Ramuthaga is currently the CIO at the Financial Services Board, a regulator of the non-banking financial services, a position she has held since 2011.
Tshifhiwa has spent almost 20 years in IT, and has held key IT positions in organisations such as Telkom and Standard Bank. Tshifhiwa holds a Master of Information Technology degree from the University of Pretoria and an MBA from GIBS. Upon completion of the MBA, she received top student award in the elective, “leading others through storytelling”, a skill which she attributes her success to as it empowers her to communicate complex topics to non-technical key stakeholders.
In 2014, Tshifhiwa was awarded the Visionary CIO Award by the Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa (IITPSA, formerly CSSA), in association with ITWeb, the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) and Gartner Africa for having demonstrated visionary leadership in using technology to support and drive the organisation to be more innovative and strategic. Tshifhiwa is also part of the Gartner Symposium Cape Town 2015 Advisory Board.
a. Paper Development Workshop (PDW)
This will be held on the morning of Wednesday the 18th of May. The workshop will be in a round-table format. Selected papers from the conference have been invited to participate in the PDW. The following senior scholars will be serving as mentors:"
- Professor Alta van der Merwe, University of Pretoria
- Professor Fred Niederman, Saint Louis University
- Professor Patrick Chau, University of Hong Kong
- Professor Anol Bhattacherjee, University of South Florida
- Professor Robert Davison, City University of Hong Kong
Papers selected for the PDW will be channelled to the following journals that are supporting Conf-IRM 2016:
- Information and Management
- Information Technology for Development
- African Journal of Information Systems
- Journal of Information Security and Applications
- Electronic Journal of IS in Developing Countries.
This is a closed event - strictly for authors of selected papers.
b. Journal Editors Panel
Scholars with editorial responsibilities in four information systems journals will lead an Editors Panel on the afternoon of Wednesday the 18th of May:
- Gerald Grant, Associate Editor of Information Technology for Development
- Irwin Brown, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the African Journal of Information Systems
- Patrick Chau, Editor-in-Chief of Information & Management
- Robert Davison, Editor-in-Chief of the Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries
All registered Conf-IRM participants are welcome to attend this panel.
c. CIO Symposium
- Gerald Grant, Carleton University, Canada
- Heiko Gewald, Hochschule Neu-Ulm, Germany
- Maureen Tanner, University of Cape Town, South Africa
This will be held on the morning of Friday 20 May. By bringing CIOs and researchers together, this symposium will allow participants to learn about the realities that CIOs face in practice. It will also allow researchers the opportunity to share with practitioners what researchers have found in their studies of the CIOs roles and how some of the challenges and opportunities they face may be addressed. The exchange will give CIOs new insights as to other possible approaches and actions they may take in executing their roles. Researchers will benefit from practical insights CIOs will provide and in so doing find new opportunities for researching issues that will advance both research and practice.
All are welcome.
d. Big Data Technologies and Visual Analytics: Resources for Business Analytics Research and Teaching
- Lakshmi Iyer, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA, Lsiyer@uncg.edu
- Ashish Gupta, University of Tennessee Chattanooga, USA, gupta@utc.edu
- Ramesh Sharda, Oklahoma State University, USA, Ramesh.sharda@okstate.edu
This will be held on the afternoon of Friday 20 May. The purpose of this workshop/tutorial is to present the advances in big data technologies and visual analytics that can be used by academics for teaching and research in business analytics. The session will begin with an overview of big data technologies and the vast academic resources available on Teradata University Network (TUN). TUN is designed as a rich site of resources for faculty and student covering topics related to data and analytics.
An overview of free resources made available through TUN partners (i.e. BI and Analytics companies) such as MicroStrategy, SAS and Tableau that can be used to support analytics and visualization will be covered. Target audience is any faculty teaching, or planning to teach, in the areas of databases, data warehouses, BI, analytics and visualization.
All are welcome. NOTE:
- Attendees are requested to bring their own laptop if they want to follow through with the activities. Live access to data and performing analytics will be dependent on speed of internet access available in the room.
- Faculty are requested to register with Teradata University Network (no cost) if they are not already a member (www.teradatauniversitynetwork.com). Registration in TUN portal is required for using SAS VA which is available for free only through TUN. Faculty registrations are verified and hence we recommend establishing the account a few days before the conference workshop.
- We also strongly advise you to download
- Aster software on your laptop before the workshop. Use this link: https://aster-community.teradata.com/community/download
- Cloudera Express for Hadoop: http://go.cloudera.com/csd
- Track 01 – Big Data, Business Intelligence, and Data Analytics [Download Track info]
- Track 02 – Enterprise Systems and Knowledge Management [Download Track info]
- Track 03 – ICT Design, Development, and Service Management [Download Track info]
- Track 04 – Green IS Strategies and Technologies [Download Track info]
- Track 05 – ICT for Development [Download Track info]
- Track 06 – Information Security, Privacy, and Risk Management [Download Track info]
- Track 07 – ICT in Government, Healthcare, and Education [Download Track info]
- Track 08 – Impacts of ICT on People, Organizations, and Society [Download Track info]
- Track 09 – Management and Governance of IT [Download Track info]
- Track 10 – E-Business, and Social and Mobile Apps [Download Track info]
- Track 11 – ICT in Latin America and the Caribbean [Download Track info]
- Track 12 – Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation [Download Track info]
- Track 13 – Workshops, Panels, and Tutorials [Download Track info]
- Track 14 – Practice-based Perspectives on ICT [Download Track info]