What is expected of you? In the first place, you should be a very precise person and able to work out, step-by-step, the solution to a problem in a logical manner. You also need to be creative, resourceful, responsible and adaptable.
General academic entrance requirements can be found on UCT's website, while specific qualification requirements can be found in the Science Faculty Handbook (for BSc) or Commerce Faculty Handbook (for B Business Science or B Comm) or Humanities Handbook (for BA).
Current fees can be found in the Fees Handbook.
Prospective students should apply through the University's Online Application portal. Please consult the degree descriptions - undergraduates and postgraduates - for application deadlines and any additional application requirements. Students that do not submit ALL the required documentation and fail to submit the UCT online application will not be considered for the degree.
UCT has information on funding for postgraduate students. Please download the latest funding booklet. UCT may have internal funding for honours students, but it is only available to those who have applied to the NRF first.
Foreign students
Students who need a study visa for South Africa should get all the documents and requirements ready before the end of November. You must get this visa before leaving your home country at the nearest South African embassy, consulate or high commission. Please apply immediately upon hearing of your acceptance.
While a visa can be obtained in about two weeks from South African embassies that is only the case if all clearances, documents and health checks are in order, so this must all be done well in advance. It should also be borne in mind that the latter half of December is the start of the holiday period in South Africa; while in the new year, due to the pressure of late applicants, the process may take longer.