International academics visit AIRU

In February, several leading international academics will visit the Department of Computer Science's Artificial Intelligence research (AIRU).
Prof Eduardo Fermé of the University of Madeira, Prof David Toman of the University of Waterloo, Dr Jesse Heyninck of the Netherlands's Open Universiteit in Heerlen, and Mr Jonas Haldiman of the FernUniversität in Hagen, will be visiting AIRU to work with Prof Tommie Meyer and his students.
Prior to their visits, all four of them will be attending Cape-KR, a scientific event dedicated to the advancement of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, a sub-area of Artificial Intelligence. The visits will help to strengthen the department’s expertise in Artificial Intelligence.
Cape-KR aims to contribute to the spread and application of knowledge representation and reasoning (KR) by hosting tutorials for students, and junior researchers, by experts on cutting-edge developments in KR; and to bring together junior and senior researchers to have discussions on the future of KR in an inspiring setting. The event will be held from 29 January to 3 February 2024.